Solid timber manual 2.0

CEILING 31 Ceiling – solid timber construction, visual surface quality, dry: DE01 a Classification by IBS – Institut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung [Institute for Fire Protection Technology and Safety Research], A-4020 Linz Calculation by IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie [Austrian Institute for Construction and Ecology], A-1090 Vienna Rated by ift Rosenheim – Schallschutzzentrum [Sound Insulation Centre], D-83026 Rosenheim and respectively Holzforschung Austria, A-1030 Vienna Calculation by IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie [Austrian Institute for Construction and Ecology], A-1090 Vienna The assemblies shown were rated by accredited testing institutes on behalf of binderholz and Saint-Gobain Rigips Austria. Building physical and ecological rating  Fire protection REI 60 max. width l = 5 m; max. load (q fi, d ) = 7 [kN/m²] Heat insulation U [W/m²K] 0.428  Sound insulation Rw [dB] 55 Ln,w [dB] 64  Ecology ∆OI3 53 A B C E D Building material specifications for construction, layer structure | from top to bottom Thickness [mm] Building material Heat conductivity  [W / (m · K)] Gross density  [kg / m³] Flammability class EN 13501-1 A 25 Rigidur or Rigiplan screed element 0.35 1,200 A2 B 20 Footfall sound insulation s' ≤ 50 MN/m³, e.g. Isover Akustic EP3 0.039 150 A1 C 60 Rigips loose balancing filling 0.16 460 A1 D — Penetration shielding 0.2 636 E E 140 CLT BBS, 5-layered 0.12 450 D Total 24.50 cm 123.60 kg/m² Ecological rating in detail | PENRT [MJ/m²] GWP100 total [kg CO2/m²] AP [kg SO2/m²] 792 -48.3 0.260 Ceiling – solid timber construction, visual surface quality, dry: DE34