
SUSTAINABILITY 7 Photosynthesis Solar energy CO2 O2 O2 Decomposition Combustion C Climate protection and resource protection Carbon cycles in nature The carbon cycles in nearly all ecosystems are decisively characterised by photosynthesis, as it supplies all creatures with energetic elements and sources of energy. In the course of photosynthesis, plants take up carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air during their growth, as well as water and nutrients from the soil, and build their growth and textural structure from this. For trees, this basic structure is wood. During the photosynthesis process, the low-energy oxygen molecule is decomposed in the green leaves of the plants by means of light. Oxygen (O) that is vital for most living beings and created as a decomposition product this way is released again to the environment. Carbon (C) in contrast serves for the organic structure of the tree and remains bound in the form of biomass for its entire lifecycle. This way, the plants continuously extract the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere (see Figure 3). Biomass is understood to mean wood, leaves, roots and humus. As soon as the biomass dies off, carbon dioxide is released again through decomposition and the natural cycle is closed. Figure 3 – Carbon cycles in nature Certification by binderholz The traceability of the origin of the wood and the exclusion of exploitative harvesting represent the basis for certification and guarantee this way the promotion of a socially and environmentally compatible economy. The diversity of plants and animals thereby remains preserved and the social interests of humans are taken into consideration. As processing companies are also certified, the certification status is maintained up to the end customer. Forest owners cannot only have their forests certified directly by a certifying institute but the buyers of the logs, in cooperation with the forest owners, can additionally rate wood originating from non-certified forests by means of a specially developed due diligence system, which has been accredited in advance by a certifying institute, and they can exclude it from the further process in the case of uncertainties. All products of binderholz are 100% PEFC-certified or made of wood that originates from PEFC-controlled sources. The implementation of the strict PEFC criteria and a permanent internal self-monitoring of the flows of logs and lumber in combination with an annual external audit on site by an independent certifying institute serve to fulfil the goals of sustainable timber use and thus meeting the PEFC requirements. Based on the sustainable approach of the European forestry that is sparing on resources and which is monitored by a strictly controlled regulatory framework, construction with timber is sensible in all respects. Wood is available everywhere in our latitudes to sufficient extent and it is a natural resource that regrows continuously more than it is harvested. It is therefore no surprise that the wood industry has been firmly rooted in Europe ever since.